OK. I'll classify this one as a failure.I have the same issue with my eyes/rifle.
It has a German Silver front sight, and I've tried everything to blacken it and reduce or eliminate glare to no avail. I use a Merit Iris at the range, but it is not practical hunting. In overcast my groups are excellent, around 1" at 100 yds off the bench; in the sun they blossom to a "pattern". As I was putting things away yesterday, I spied an empty .480 Ruger shell. Idea!
30 minutes with a Dremel, small file and a piece of crocus cloth I had a globe cover for the front sight, no glare, and to Scota's point, like pistol sights! Heck, it doesn't even look too out of place. Right now, the globe is held in place by friction. If successful I'll attach it with glue. Maybe in keeping with the browned iron furniture I'll make one of thin wall steel tubing and brown it as well. For now, I'll just run this through the tumbler.
The photo of the target is with the Merit, I'll post results of this modification.
It looked good, fun to make, but the result was decreased image of the target. It was not too bad a 1pm, but as the afternoon progressed things got worse. The front globe was removed, and the Merit attached to my glasses. Three shots in about 1 1/2", from the bench.
The group is about 2" right of the bull, so light taps from the mallet should correct. At 100 yds, a 25.5" sight radius and a 2" error only require a change of .014"; I think I'll need a lighter hammer!
I'll look a bit strange this MZ season with a shooting bench and Merrit Iris on my glasses.