You'd think that CCI would raise the price and make more thus increasing profits. Logical, right? CCI makes caps in a once a year run in the spring. That seems crazy to me given the present demand.
Domestic ammunition and component production is
all controlled by one foreign corporation, Vista. Like the others, CCI is owned by Vista, a Czech company. All American smokeless powder is made by General Dynamics. All American black powder is made by Goex. There is no competition. That is bad for us. all. It seems to be part of an agenda.
Also, much of the raw materials and production capacity is being used to support a war in Ukraine. The stuff we give them needs to be replaced in our stock piles. The military get priority over us.
I am not sure as to CCI's logic in creating artificial shortages. In the old days, the manufacturers could tool up to make make more. Today they say that they are concerned that once the market is saturated that they will be stuck with idle machinery. That does not make sense to me.
You'd think some company or individual would step up and make caps. The profit is clearly there. There are some primer start ups but I do not see them getting much done.
One factor is the lack of raw materials. Since covid the supply chain has dried up and nobody cares enough or will allow it to be fixed. My research indicates it is deliberate and artificial. In the end there are much larger forces and agendas at work to prevent you from buying a tin of caps for $10.