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32 Cal.
Oct 28, 2008
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Just curious as to what everyone prefers for caps while firing their percussion rifles. I have been using standard CCI No. 11's. I see that CCI makes a Magnum No.11 and I have heard that Remington's No.11's are hotter. What do you all recommend?
This has a lot to do with personal preferance and you will get many answers. I used CCI standard caps with no issues at all. I switched over to musket caps specifically because they are easier to handle. You can use a capper that will make handling the smaller caps easy, but for me it is just another thing to load when hunting. Some reccomend the hotter magnum caps if you are using "the fake stuff" ie pyrodex or 777. But standard should be more than enough for the real stuff!

Try the caps that you have most commonly available to you and if they perform well, use them!
Like Rikeman said, it's mostly a matter of preferrence. I have never had good luck with CCI caps. I've had misfires and hangfires occasionally. I prefer Remington and haven't had any problems with them other than they're harder to find. As for hotness of the caps, that's really only important if you shoot substitutes that are harder to ignite. In fact, more powerful caps such as magnums or musket caps can have a negative effect on accuracy in some guns. The extra blast tends to start the ball moving off the charge before the charge has had a chance to ignite fully. This can cause inconsistent pressures and create fliers in your group, or groups that aren't as tight as they could be. I wouldn't be tempted to use them unless you've tried everything else and you still can't get good ignition.
A little :eek:ff but MY opinion is RWS Musket caps 1st and CCI Musket Caps 2nd. All else is irrelevant :wink: .
RWS has historically had the reputation of its caps being hotter than most (if not all) other caps of a given size.

I don't know that I've gotten better reliability from them than I have from CCI Magnum caps but when comparing them with other makes of standard caps they definitely give off a louder bang.

Unfortunately they often cost more so whether they are worth the money is debatable.
I'm also with Rikeman. I use Pyrodex in some of my percusion firearms. Remington caps are the most common around here and work great. If it aint broke, don't fix it.
I use Remington caps CCI will have a dud from time to time. I have not had one with Remington yet

Been trying Musket Caps so far I'm having good luck with them as well.
I prefer a Stormy Kromer for a cap this time of year. :doh: Ohh wait your not talking about that kind of cap.
I use mostly Remingtons on my pistols as soemoen above said, you can find them most anywhere. Heck even Wally world, Kmart and Meijers carry them in thier sorting good section up here in Mich. Cost runs about $3.99 to $4.99 per tin during prime BP hunting season up here. After the Holidays you can pick em up a bit cheaper maybe a buck off or so. Thats when I buy em and I buy a bunch at a time.
I've used nothing but Remington #11's for years and have NEVER had one fail to fire.

Personally,I prefer the German RWS brand.Rumour control central has it they will soon be no longer available.I do not know if this is true or not.Best regards,J.A.
Back when, I used to shoot a lot with '51 Navies and bought a case of Navy Arms caps from a shop closing out their BP gear. For some time now I have shot flinters almost exclusively - as a result, I still have a couple dozen tins of (30 yr old) Navy Arms caps and they still go off every time. If I had to buy new caps, I would try a tin of each readily available brand to see which was the best fit for the gun in question.
I use CCI's mostly standards, occasionally magnums, depends on whose got what when I buy them. Had a bad lot of remingtons once so I never went back. I use 5-6000 a year. so whoever has the best price gets my money.
Not a matter of preference so much as availability, but I am sold on Sellier & Bellot caps. I used CCI Magnums for my first two shoots. Since then found the S&B's and found 100% reliability with excellent ignition. When I pop my first cap, the muzzle blast is a lot more noticeable than with the CCI's. I have been using Wano and our local Sanadex substitute (10% UNDERPOWERED when compared to black) with no problems. Is this available stateside and what are your views on it?


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