OK, I am in the process of gathering up (yard sales, ebay, flea markets) hand tools for my soon-to-be longrifle building bench. In regards to the carving tools you use, how would you rank them in order of either "most used" or "must have"?
I want to get the best quality tools I can afford, but to me, a $40 gouge isn't a bargain even at $20 if I never have occasion to use it. So far I have a #8sweep 7mm wide, and a #1 at 5mm.
I am also watching for files, rasps, and any other goodies I might stumble upon. I want to try to do as much as I humanly can without power tools....nothing against those who use them, but just a personal goal for me to try and attain.
Thanks for any input!
I want to get the best quality tools I can afford, but to me, a $40 gouge isn't a bargain even at $20 if I never have occasion to use it. So far I have a #8sweep 7mm wide, and a #1 at 5mm.
I am also watching for files, rasps, and any other goodies I might stumble upon. I want to try to do as much as I humanly can without power tools....nothing against those who use them, but just a personal goal for me to try and attain.
Thanks for any input!