Casting Non-toxic lube

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40 Cal.
Dec 31, 2014
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Hey, I've been asking questions about casting... Just trying to get it right. My new question is if I use lead to cast (I asked about lead substitute earlier), what non-toxic lube can I use as per the Lee casting manual to lubricate the balls after casting (oxidation and whatever other reasons it says)? Some members recommended two-stroke oil, but I want to stick with non-toxic for hunting purposes. The Lee manual says to use Lee Liquid Alox, but it is toxic.

Mix Beeswax with Tallow (get free beef fat from the meat counter & render your own)

It's a lube recipe that's been in use for at least 200 years. Depending on consistency (stiffer with more beeswax content) it can be used for minie ball lube, or softer with less beeswax, it can be used for patch lube.

If you just want your balls to stay shiney after casting, just store them in plastic jars with tight fitting lids.
There is no need to lube the balls. If you keep them from moisture, there is little reason for them to oxidize while being stored.
Some members recommended two-stroke oil,

On this forum?.... :shocked2:

Regardless, I think they were pulling your leg.... :haha:

Almost all things are toxic, in high enough concentrations.
Even things like Water, oxygen and potatoes....

Beeswax and tallow, lard or some type of oil like olive oil is good advice. IMO. :thumbsup:
I smoked my mold with a paraffin candle years ago when I got it and have not done it since. Can't see why one needs to "lube" a mold - the lead won't stick.
One of the secrets to casting is, to leave the last ball or bullet in the mold and do not remove it until your next casting session.....This keeps the cavity airtight and prevents any corrosion or any other type of malady from occurring.
My mistake, they did recommend 2 stroke oil for the mold. Guess I should use the beef fat recipe to lube the balls!


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