Many of the nipples supplied with cap and ball revolvers have a cone that is slightly larger than it should be to allow the caps available in America to be seated with the shooters finger.
If this appears to be the case, and with your gun needing two hammer falls, it appears to be you can fix the problem yourself if you have a electric drill and a flat file.
To do this, remove the nipples from the cylinder.
Place a nipple in the chuck of the electric drill locating on the cylindrical body of the nipple, not the threads. The cone should be fully exposed outside the chucks jaws.
With the drill in the "normal" position of rotation and with it on your left side pointed towards your right, start the drill.
Hold the file at the same angle as the cone on the nipple and lightly push it forward to remove just a little material from the cone.
Stop the drill and try to fit a cap on the nipple. It should slide on almost all the way.
If it does, your done. If it doesn't, start the drill and take another stroke with the file.
Usually, removing about .003-.006 (that's one to two human hair thicknesses) will fix the problem.
After filing all of the nipples, replace them into the cylinder and go shooting.