Centennial tv series

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70 Cal.
Apr 2, 2009
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On Starz/Encore western channel tonight at 8 pm eastern. It was this show that got started at rendezvous.
It was a good series. Really enjoyed it back when it was on TV back (a long time ago)... :thumbsup:
I have the DVDs and watch them usually in the spring when I get the outdoor itch coming. I was hoping they would digitally remaster them. The sound was kind of off in parts but still an excellent flick.

I tried to copy them to video tape when It came out and had a little trouble. First time my VCR broke half way through. next time a couple years later I had to get up early in the morning to record so I wasn't fully awake. Thought I hit record but it wasn't so I missed a couple hours. I finally got it the next time a year later. I left some empty tape so I could fill in the missing segment.
wasn't a bad show if ya could get past Robert Conrad's "French" accent :doh: .
Or the Chief's gun going off in the battle scene without the frizzen closed when he pulled the trigger.

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