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40 Cal.
Sep 18, 2005
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OK so I need some more chisels that the what I do have. What I have now is a 1/4" and 1/2" craftsman and this small 1/4 inch cold chisel, looks more like a punch than a chisel. I also have a carving set I bought at the local hobby store.

The ones I am currently looking at is on track of the wolf's site, the forged in the us ones, was thinking about 1/8, 1/4 and 3/16.

Another set im looking at is the veritas detail chisels from lee valey.

Would the veritas set be the better way to go?

Over the years I've found that the most important chisels for my firearms building are ones that are easily controlled by one hand. The other criteria for doing inlays, lock motises and etc. is having a small contollable chisel with a reasonable radius. The chisel that fits this description for me is one I made myself. It is about 3 - 4 inches long and has a palm type handle. I find it very controllable and it gets quite a workout as you can imagine.

The other chisels that I use most are a long 1/4" mortising chisel, and a knife edge 1/2" inletting chisel. All the rest are used as well but the small ones help out in corners for close inletting. Barrel channels are cut with guides and the stock shaping (from square bandsawed blanks) starts with the drawknife, the spokeshave, various rasps and rifflers, files, sandpaper and a reasonable eye for lines.
I have both of the chisel sets from Lee Valley, and they work great. I got the ones with the long handles. Truthfully, I haven't used all of them yet... but the ones I have used have worked great. For around $35/set, they do the job.

Along with the chisels, I also bought a Flexcut SlipStrop, a little $12 stropping tool that works great for keeping them sharp.

For Christmas I received a 1/4" inletting chisel sold by Track of the Wolf. Of all the wood chisels I've used so far, this one and a FlexCut starter set with stropping block are the best. I really recommend the TOTW inletting chisel, it's great for picking off the high spots revealed by inletting black with a fine cut, so you don't go deeper than you want. You might want to build up the handle area to make it fit your hand and give you better control.

Brgds, Bluejacket
just a reminder, when the wife drags you to the antique mall keep your eyes sharp! yesterday i went to missoula and found 9 old UNUSED carving chisels in a basket, and bought them for 42 dollars for the lot.. they were all stamped shefield england!!!.. two different angels of v grooves, several types of wide shallow sweeps, a large and small sqew, a very nice narrow gouge, and a wide (hooked) bent chisel.. these are antiques, and sheffield is usually the best steel ive found in knives/tools.. for less than 5 dollars apiece!!. (they were in a basket marked lathe tools in with some typical longlathe type turning tools.. you have to find the mistakes, allthe guys i was with kept remarking how high the prices were.. . a set of 6 flex cut palm tools were in one pawn shop for 40 dollars, and i passed as i had similar ones.. things like this arent found every day, but you have to keep looking.. it depends on the time of year and the local economy, but right now ive been finding the best deals in antique shops.. dave
Mike is correct, you will not need a ton of chisels to build a basic gun. I like a 3/8" flat chisel, 1/4" flat, and 5/32" flat, for starters. A 1/4 in gouge for the front end of the lock mortice. These four chisels will get you through the basic inletting required. Of course, a few more choices in smaller gouges won't hurt. A small set of forstner drill bits will help as well, 1/8" to 1/2". BJH
intersting you should mention that.

the set I am looking at is here.

Veritas Detail Chisels

three dovetail-style chisels 1/2", 1/4" and 1/8"
one trimming chisel that tapers 1/2"
a 1/16" wide tapered chisel mortise-chisel shape
