I'd recomend you call Wood Carvers Supply at 1-800-284-6229
Their catalog is very good, and they will send it to you free.
I think you would find the following tools useful.
First get a very good 1/4" straight chisel and another one in 1/2"
at a local hardware store. (I buy Stanley brand)
The rest I would buy from Wood Carvers Supply:
Get "Lamp Brand tools" as follows.
Get a 2mm and a 4mm straight "#1 chisel"
Get a 2mm "#6 gouge" for stabbing in your inletting around some of the tighter raius, such as the forward end of the lock, around the rounded parts of the sideplate and so on.
You will find a lot of use also for a 4mm "#10 gouge," and an 8mm "#8 gouge" also.
Lastly get an H. Taylor Brand 1/4 inch "#14 bent gouge". This is the secret weapon for installing butt plates.
You will need a way to sharpen them. A "gouge slip" stone and a standard India stone will be very helpful. (you can stone the slip against the India to match the radius of your gouges.)
Get a good piece of hard thick leather to use as a strop. This is very inportant.
I use a piece of 1/2 thick leather 2 inches wide and a foot long. In one end cut groves with your gouges acrost the leather, and load the leather with polishing compound. (I use semi-chrome polishing paste) This will allow you to strop the gouges at the exact fits to each tool.
All your tools should be literally shaving sharp every time you approch your bench.
Take the 5 minutes EVERY TIME to sharpen them before you start work.
All tools and sharpening equipement is available from Wood Carvers supply, and I love their quality and attention to detail.
If you have never sharpened gouges before, do yourself a favor and buy the book "Tool Sharpening for Woodcarvers. (only $10)
Hope this helps.
Steve Zihn