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32 Cal.
Mar 1, 2005
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Anyone out there use a chronograph? I'm thinking about buying Chrony's F-1 chronograph from Cabela's. My son has to do a chemistry project and wants to do it on black powder ballistics (vs. pyrodex and etc.). Don't know how else to get the data except with a chronograph. Any reports on this product?
I bought a Chrony about 15 years ago, and could never make it work. Just kept gettin' random numbers. Then a friend said throw away them dinky little sensor shades and put the Chrony in a cardboard box with a sheet of translucent plastic over the whole thing. Fixed it right up. I think I should have got the Pro Tach instead. :results:
I have had an F-1 for over 10 years and it works fine. They are sensitive to direct sunlight and need to be shaded... never thought of the box idea, I draped mine with an old hand towel. I understand the newer models have improved. A good little tool when you are working up loads, be it blackpowder or modern. There are tons of ballistic programs... do a Google search on free ballistic programs. The NMLRA had a couple of articles in "Muzzleblasts" about ballistic programs. There is plenty of information out there to keep him busy for awhile.
WARNING! Chrony's can be VERY dangerous! Here's a report from someone who knows:

I have been using chronys for the last 20 years. One thing I would warn anyone in buying one is that they do sometimes attack the shooter, when this happens, the only thing you can do is to place a quick shot dead center and hope it will stop the charging chrony before it mauls you. This has happened to me, not once but twice in the last 20 years. Luckily, I connected on the first shot both times and the chrony went down immediately without harming me.

Thankfully, the Chrony company is aware of the fact that their chronys will sometimes get overly aggressive and have set up a program where you can turn in your dead "Shotup" chrony and get a good deal on a replacement. I feel that this is very understanding of the company, since most of the customers who have to turn in a dead chrony probably been shooting at the crony for a period of time and the chrony finally gets mad enough to charge. How would it make you feel if someone was sitting there taking shots at you, trying to see how close they could come to your eyes, without hitting you? You may get mad enough to charge also, so I think most of the attacks are provoked.

:blah: :rotf:

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