Cimarron Pistols

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69 Cal.
Nov 21, 2005
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Anyone have any experience with Cimarron pistols?
Thinking of getting the Remington model for use as an "as issue pistol".


Cimarron is an importer, distributor and retail outlet for Uberti replicas. I do not own any Cimarron products, but I can say that they have a reputation for selling only the best Uberti guns. They are rumored to 'cherry pick' the guns to weed out any low quality units. I've never seen anyone post a bad review of a Cimarron gun.
I don't have a Cimmaron cap and ball firearm, but I have a Pedersoli Gemmer Sharps in 54.70. If that's a good representation of the quality of their other guns, they are very good. Certainly no complaints from me. I doo have a Uberti 51 Navy which I'm very happy with but I didn't get it from them.
I don't have a Cimmaron cap and ball firearm, but I have a Pedersoli Gemmer Sharps in 54.70. If that's a good representation of the quality of their other guns, they are very good. Certainly no complaints from me. I do have a Uberti 51 Navy which I'm very happy with but I didn't get it from them.
They're nice. I've got a 73 SAA. The fit and finish is nice. CCH is better than a Uberti Cattleman(got one of those too)Barrel markings are the same size and style as the original Colt and doesn't say Uberti.
Here's my 2cents worth.I purchased CB's(Uberti's) from Navy Arms,Taylor's,and Cimarron,Internally they are all the same.Cimarron finish is a little better,followed by Navy Arms,nothing wrong with Taylor's.Until this year I used to repair CB pistols for various clubs(cowboy and muzzeloading)I have seen bad ones from all of them.I rather doubt that Cimarron hand picks anything,and if they do,they need a new picker.Hope this helps...Respectfully montanadan
Thanks, there are some stocking dealers within driveable distance. If I go with Cimarron, I will make a road trip.

Richard Eames said:
Anyone have any experience with Cimarron pistols?
Thinking of getting the Remington model for use as an "as issue pistol".



They are likely the best choice.

The Italian makers all sell several levels of quality especially in revolvers, the BL long guns are a little more consistant. If the importer/distributor holds their feet to the fire and pays for the quality the guns are generally good. A low end Uberti and just another cheap import... So buying a lower priced Uberti does not mean you get the same quality as one that retails higher from a more discriminating importer. Getting one direct from Uberti USA does not mean it will be one of their better guns.
Trust me.
Remingtons have advantages but if I were going to use one to protect my life (the concern in a historical context) I would use the Colt 1860 Army. Much faster on target, faster ACCURATE repeat shots. But your mileage may vary.
How the heck are you guys actually *getting* anything from Cimmaron? I ordered a charcoal 1862 Pocket Police a few years ago, and 18 months later & no gun, I gave up. They just didn't seem to care.

I found an Uberti '62 PP in a few minutes elsewhere, but it was regular blue.

I hate to say anything negative about a company that makes such a good product, so what am I missing here?
Cimarron doesn't 'make' anything. They simply import Uberti products. If Uberti doesn't ship something, they don't have it to pass along. I suspect Cimarron either neglected to delete the charcoal finish from the catalog when Uberti ceased making it or Uberti didn't tell them it was discontinued. That's no excuse, however. They should have told you it was no longer available.
mykeal said:
Cimarron doesn't 'make' anything.... I suspect Cimarron either neglected to delete the charcoal finish from the catalog when Uberti ceased making it ...

That's interesting, because Cimarron told me they did the Charcoal, and Uberti made the gun. :hmm: I also didn't see the charcoal available anywhere else, but I'm not a die-hard CW re-enactor either.

Thanks for the insight, that explains a lot.

No harm done, I got the Uberti '62 PP. My biggest limiting factor is range time, or lack of it.
That's probably correct. Uberti did offer some optional finishes at one time and I assumed they were still doing so; a check of their web site showed that's not the case any more.

In that case Cimarron is at fault here. Unusual for them to be so unfriendly. Did you ask them what the problem was?
Usually the problem is Uberti. They make a run of one pistol, and then might not make taht model for a couple of YEARS! 1851's and 1860's are always available, but most of the pocket models have had shortages in the past.
mykeal said:
In that case Cimarron is at fault here. Unusual for them to be so unfriendly. Did you ask them what the problem was?

Don't recall if I confronted them demanding an explanation, probably not. They didn't charge me anything, so there wasn't much point in making a fuss. I just went somewhere else.

It's a closed issue now, and I'm done with it. I doubt I'll buy anything from them not because I'm vindictive, but because they really don't offer a lot that I can't find elsewhere cheaper. The charcoal blue finish *was* unique, but they were unable or unwilling to deliver. For example, they charge $310 for a standard Pocket police ( ad link ), I paid $255 delivered for the same exact Uberti gun, but from another source.

And Cimarron is *still* advertising charcoal blue on the '62 Pocket Police.

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