Powder horns are more commonly seen in use by the South, which relied on local militias, armed with their own personal firearms, in so many of the early years of the war. As the war carried on, the South acquired military style guns from Britain, and France, and with them, paper cartridges, and cartridge boxes which were issued to their Armies. Fewer private guns remain in use, and along with them, powder horns were left at home. The Further West you go, and particularly in the battles fought West of the Mississippi River, the more likely you are to encounter Southern Militia using their own guns and powder horns. Uniforms and military rifles and cartridges seem to have been more available in Virgina and along the East Coast. Remember that battles were fought along rivers or RailRoad lines in order to facilitate logistics and supply. The South had very few railroad lines at the beginning of the War, and that hampered its efforts to supply its troops all through the war.