cleaning damascus to expose pattern prominently any ideas

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40 Cal.
Oct 4, 2005
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I have seen some damascus barrels where folks really brought out the damascus pattern to a lovely extent. on a f.williams shotgun and a w.scott I would love to enhance this feature of theese barrels the f.williams has a gorgeous pattern resembling stars and I was wondering what chemicals if any are used. guns are both in excellent shape and seem to have a varnish coating on the barrels that would need redone or removed completely. whatever it is its definately a clearcoat
Here is a very good place to ask that question.[url][/url]
Of course do a search before you do, because it is a much talked about subject. I have a clear coat on my barrels, also. Not only does it help preserve the pattern, but it is also great to preserve color case hardening. Makes it also great to keep hands from rusting the metal.
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Search the archives or members listings and contact Bill Brockway. He's "da man" when it comes to doubles.
Recycle, what do they look like now? Do they have a brown patina with the pattern just barely noticeable or are they greyish? A picture would be a help in determining what is necessary.

they have a brown patina with pater visable throughout the contrasting gey bands are somewhat dull. but the pattern is very good on both guns. I looked at a gun someone had and it had a magnificent damascus it was grey with no brown, maybe I am after the wrong affect? I would post a picture but I dont have a host for photos
Howdy Recycle -
check out the discussion HERE

Mr Brockway's reply pretty much covers it! I am following his advise right now on the "John Blissett" fowler barrel and a set of damascus percussion doubles I acquired.

I also highly recommend Mr Brockway's book on recreating the muzzleloading double.
With barrels that have a dark brown patina I've had success rubbing them down with 0000 steel wool and birchwood casey's "sheath". It seems that the sheath, being a rust preventative lightly breaks down the oxidation and the steel wool cleans it off. It acts on the hard steel better than the softer iron of the barrels not unlike the browning process for damascus. If you choose to try this, I suggest you go slowly and lightly at first. For me, I've found it takes a fair bit of elbow grease but your barrels might react differently

Thank you cody
tried your method and it has proved very satisfactory results on my small trial area under the barrels. Its going to take several hours but should be well worth the time :grin:

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