Cleaning Patches

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Ricardo said:
i would like to make (cut) my own cleaning patches. I need a source for material.

If you decide against the bulk material approach, Southern Bloomer in Bristol, Tennessee makes several size patches in bags of 1000...used them for years...two sizes covers all the following:
.40/.45/.50/.54/.58/.62 calibers

But to be honest, you'd be surprised at the amount of good cotton cleaning patch material that routinely becomes available around the house...old t-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, pajamas, nightgowns, dishtowels, etc...stuff is always wearing out, wearing thin...

Item #125 = 2" x 2" cotton

Item #123 = 2.5" x 2.5" cotton
We got used clothing stores up here and there,you can buy bulk Flannel rags rather inexpensivly.I use old flannel Bed Sheets that the wife used to use in our Babies cribs when they were small or old' Bed sheets.I have been known to use her old Night gowns for cleaning patches too.....Mostly whatever I could get me paws on. :)
Like Frank/Pa said try one of the fabric shops. I lucked out the other day and Hancocks Fabric stores here in Texas were going out of business and I happened to stop in one in Austin. To make a long story short I bought 32 yards of cotton flannel for a rediculous price. Should have anough for a few cleanings.


I took an old flannel sheet, cut it up into squares for cleaning patches. My wife just handed over an old cotton sweatshirt, should be able to do something with that. As the others said, look around the house, you'll find plenty of material for cleaning patches.
Just about anything that will hold water and oil without coming apart will do. My wife works in a thrift store and brings home flannel scraps that they can't sell and old flannel shirts that are unsalable.

Something that shows up from time to time is quilting batting. It's thick and squishes nice for cleaning and lubing the barrel. I have also found that fleece works well. It absorbs enough water and ballistol does not melt it. Both materiels are thick enough to get into all nooks and crannies and work rather well.
i use VIVA paper towels,,,just because my wife has them handy and they work,,, :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Mike2005 said:
Just about anything that will hold water and oil without coming apart will do.
That kind of sums it up. :thumbsup:
My favorite is unprocessed Hemp TOW for cleaning and by far the "BEST"
for drying is a premium quality paper towel. Asorbs moisture 10 times better than cotton.... :v
hi ho ricardo, and a hearty welcome to the forum..

if you want to cut your own, try huggies baby wipes. they clean the crap out of baby butts and they will clean the crap out of your barrel. nice part is, they are pre-moistened with a very good cleaning solvent.. :grin:
