I'm new enough to the black-powder-substitute world that I've got basically no clue what they all are like, or even what's out there. I've used Pyrodex before, but that's it.
Can anyone tell me what the major brands/kinds are out there, and what the pros, cons, strengths, and weaknesses of each of them are? You know, something like "Jan Schlockey's Gold Plate powder; half the price of black powder, more corrosive, ignites at 7,500 degrees Celsius, produces higher pressures, same volume as black powder produces same results as black powder, turns into useless dust 8 days after you open the can"--that kind of thing. Can anyone clue me in as to the major players in the BP-substitute market, and what they're like? Thanks!
Can anyone tell me what the major brands/kinds are out there, and what the pros, cons, strengths, and weaknesses of each of them are? You know, something like "Jan Schlockey's Gold Plate powder; half the price of black powder, more corrosive, ignites at 7,500 degrees Celsius, produces higher pressures, same volume as black powder produces same results as black powder, turns into useless dust 8 days after you open the can"--that kind of thing. Can anyone clue me in as to the major players in the BP-substitute market, and what they're like? Thanks!