While digging around in a cupboard the other day I ran across a bottle of Cornhuskers Lotion, a type of hand lotion for very dry hands, and it set me to wondering. I checked out the contents label and found it had glycerine, water, and alcohol as the 3 main ingredients. There was some other stuff I couldn't pronounce that I figured were more for hands than ML's. This stuff sounds like it would make a fine patch lube for very cold weather and is of the right consistency to use as a lube. Maybe the addition of a little Murphy's Oil Soap, and have at it. There wasn't a price on the bottle but for cold weather use only, a bottle should last quite a while. I think I will do a little freezer test and report back as to the stiffness or lack thereof, of the patches. Has anyone beat me to it and already used Cornhuskers Lotion as a patch lube? ::