Cutler's resin is about 4 parts pine pitch, 1 part charcoal finely ground, and 1 part beeswax. I made some using pitch I got off a tree (about a cup and a half of raw pitch pieces, pretty rough looking). I heated the pitch in a tin can (need 3 soup or vegetable cans for this operation), strained off the sticks and bark and bug bits by pouring it through another tin can with holes poked in the bottom. Then I ground some charcoal from an old fire and added some of that powder. Then I added a lump of beeswax. Heat it all and stir- be careful to avoid a flash fire. When it is melted and pretty homogeneous, let it start to cool off the fire and glom some onto the ends of clean sticks (like popsicle sticks, but primitive, of course!). When it cools you have glue sticks that can be taken with you anywhere to fasten things. Just heat before a fire till it gets almost runny and smear it on whatever needs fixing.