Use any recipe you have for dove. One of my favorites, has the breast meat removed from the breast bone, than each half wrapped in bacon, and a water chestnut, the bacon and chestnut held onto the breast with a toothpick. Then the pieces are steamed in a milk season with salt, pepper, garlic, and butter, after being lightly sauteed in a frying pan with shortening. Some crows are large, so you can cut each breast half in two, to make a bite sized "hors d' oeuvres".
I personally don't think there is enough meat in most such birds to bother cooking the whole bird. If you are looking to make a soup stock, through the back, legs, wings, etc. into a pot a boil away, but I think its a waste of time to try to eat the meat off of the bones of small birds. Even the legs on Pheasants don't have enough meat on them to make an Hors d' oeuvres". On the other hand, I have seen people go nuts over the legs( drumsticks) off a Cornish game hen, So do as you wish. Any recipe you find for a cornish game hen can be used in cooking crow, too. The difference is that the breast meat on a crow is a dark meat- usually deep purple or red.