Curly maple

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40 Cal.
Feb 11, 2004
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What would be the recommended steps and finishes to use on raw curly maple stock to best bring out the figure of the wood.
Thanks in advance.
It depends on what kind of finish you want. Wether you want it shinny or satin finish. I prefere an oiled finish like tung oil or true oil. These give a very durable satin type finish that looks very authentic and the oil brings out the grain in figured maple very well.
There are as many ways to do this as their are gunstockers. There is no best way. Bringing out the curl and achieving a particular color and finish are all intertwined. If you could bring out the curl with a purple or green dye and it would show the best, that would not be much help.

Spirit dyes and water soluble dyes are easy to control. Aquafortis and heat was quite a common method on originals and every piece of curly reacts differently. Many makers now use both- AQF plus spirit dyes to modify the results.

Sunbleaching the stock seems to help bring out curl. After getting the stock smooth as you want and raising the grain several times, take it outside on a hot sunny day and flip it over a few times. Then stain it darker than you want, whatever method you use. Rubbing the stock later will lighten it.
As Rich says, there are as many ways as there are gunmakers.

I sand the wood using 220 grit paper.
Wet the surface, dry and whisker at least 3 times.
Treat with a solution of Lye water.
Neutralize with Vinegar.
Stain using water base or alcohol stain.
Apply at least two coats of linseed oil cut with 50% Turpentine
Finish with Tru-Oil with light 600 grit wet/dry paper between coats.
Final 2 coats hand rubbed. :)
I used to experiment a little and liked a color I came up with. The first coat was an alcohol based yellow leather dye (and I mean yellow). Let dry. Then I put my dark coat of alcohol dye on over top in as many coats to suit. Then finished with BLO in lots of thin coats applied with a ladies panty hose on a finger tip, let dry and wipe down with an old shot bag. It produced a very pleasing brown with golden brown highlights in the light areas of curl.

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