A friend of mine has a nice custom .54 caliber percussion gun but the length of pull is 14 1/4" and he needs 13 1/2". The gun has a brass buttplate that wraps around on the top, as well as the bottom (bottom piece is a seperate piece). He has asked several people to help him with it and no one will touch it, they say they dont want to screw up such a nice gun. His opinion is, " If I cant shoot it comfortably, what difference does it make if it is pretty". I have agreed to undertake the project since I have many years woodworking experience and am meticulous about my work I however, have never built a gun. I'm sure I can pull it off to his satisfaction but would welcome any suggestions before I start. It also has a raised cheekrest. With the amount of wood that I need to take off to get the correct length of pull for him, the brass trim will run into the raised cheekrest. I was just going to shorten the brass on the top and bottom so when I remove the wood from the butt of the gun, the brass buttplate wont advance as far as the wood removal. That, I think will work and still leave the integrity of the stock symmetry. My question is, What Should I use to make the original cut, since the stock is no longer a flat plane, like a blank starts? I was just gonna lay out my projected lines, cut with a bandsaw, or jigsaw and use the front of a beltsander to fit the brass back to the buttplate. Any help?
Thanks, Idaho PRB :hmm:
Thanks, Idaho PRB :hmm: