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Dredging this up for the rest of the story. It's hard to believe that it's been almost 6 years since the last time I shot it. I usually clean, oil and check for any rusting on all my muzzleloaders a couple of times a year. Anyhow if I shot one of my BP guns every day it would take over a month to shoot all of them.

Now for a happy ending. One of the officers that worked with me at the department I retired from in 2013 has always wanted to get into muzzleloading. I check in with them every week and have asked him several times if he ever got a muzzleloader and the answer was always no because his budget didn't have any extra money in it for one with all the extra stuff he would have to get.

I have so much stuff that I really don't need so with my wife's blessing, I decided to gift this CVA Hawken to him, along with everything he will need to shoot and maintain & clean it. 

My wife & I stopped by the PD last Friday and I went in first with all the accoutrements in two sacks which contained a 3/4 full can of fffg Goex powder with a screw on spout, adjustable powder measure, 2 tins of RWS caps, round balls, patches, lube, jag & patch worm, nipple wrench, short ball starter and a camo belt pouch to hold it all for when he goes hunting. The LT. who replaced me called him into his office while my wife waited out in the hallway with the rifle hidden behind her.

I told him all that stuff should get him started and while we were showing it all to him, I said oh there is something else and the Chief brought her in with the rifle. I said happy Sept, 18, it's yours now. You could have knocked him over with a feather. We spent about the next couple of hours going over how to load & clean it along with safety measures that have to be followed etc. The LT. an avid M/L shooter & hunter, said he would go out to the range with him to sight it in for muzzleloading deer season next month.

All in all it was a very good day.:thumb:
