CVA Mountain Pistol Nipple Size?

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54 Cal.
Jul 22, 2020
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I'm trying to get this old CVA (Mountain Pistol I think?) I picked up working for my son. It's not popping caps. The Nipple looks like someone filed it down. Is Track of the Wolf's 6-1mm metric the right one?

I don't know for sure if it's the right one but probably would work. It kinda looks like they are calling it a musket nipple. Often the caps don't fire because the nipple is mushroomed a bit form people dry firing. Does the cap go on all the way and does it fire on the second strike?

I went to the site to get a better look and no it is not the correct nipple unless you want to fire musket caps. If you go down further you will see the ones for #11 caps. I don't know if that model actually came with a #10 0r 11. !0 is the usual size for pistol but either would work. I myself would also go with the Hot Shot nipple. They are more reliable.
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I don't know for sure if it's the right one but probably would work. It kinda looks like they are calling it a musket nipple. Often the caps don't fire because the nipple is mushroomed a bit form people dry firing. Does the cap go on all the way and does it fire on the second strike?
Yea it looks short to me like it was mushroomed at one point and someone filed it down flat. Out of about 10 caps it fired 1. It never fired on the 2nd shot for the other 9. I just sent an email to TOW. Hopefully they can suggest the right part. Thanks for the input!
I just cleaned my Mountain Pistol. The threads on the nipple are. Parser than the nipples on my revolver and I need my rifle's sized nipple wrench to remove it. Size should be 6x1.00.

I have never had a problem with #11 caps.
I did have a CVA Bobcat, which I gave to my oldest Grandson, and currently have a CVA Kentucky pistol and they both take the 6 x 1 nipples.

I also would recommend the Hot Shot nipple, they work great. I've been using them for a few years now in my T/C Renegades and am very pleased with them.
Nice to find out that information because I have the same pistol.
The nipple on my gun is still in good condition.
I find that my gun shoots really good with a .490 round ball, .018 pillow ticking patch and 30 grains of Swiss 3f powder.
Now, my Mtn. pistol has a 7x1 nipple. Reason being the threads in the bolster were whacked from the beginning. I shot it one time and it made a funny noise, didn't pay too much attention. When I started to reload I noticed a bunch of powder on the bench under the pistol. Then I noticed there was no nipple. Re-tapped to 7x1 thanks to Track of the Wolf. Good as gold now!

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