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CWD cure

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Wow, I sure hope this is solid science and can be brought to light. This doc may have just have come up with one of the most important research break throughs of the century...
Their time-table seems overly-optimistic at best. Much needs to happen before anyone is treating/immunizing the domestic & wild populations. Also, the one scholarly article I could find said the Spiroplasma was associated with/cultured from CWD tissue rather than conclusively showing it was the causative agent. As I said, lots more work is required....
It seems to me that this spokesperson for the State of Pennsylvania is more of a politician than a scientist. He stated that Dr. Bascomb (spelling?) can say that 15% of Alzheimer's is curable by a yet-to-be developed anti-"biotic" vaccine just as Dr. Jonas Salk did with polio. This is pure conjecture on his part. None of it has been proven and he doesn't know the difference between an antibiotic, an antibacterial or Dr. Salk's vaccine that immunized humans against poliomyelitis which is caused by a virus not a bacterium such as Spiroplasma, his perceived causative agent for CWD.

It seems as if he is a rah-rah guy for the actual LSU scientist. The purpose of the press conference is either to elevate his prominence, to try to provide funding for Dr. Bascomb or both. Let Dr. Bascomb's scientific proof be the deciding factor.
Politicians wouldn't know science if it was a rhino in a pink tutu that was on fire running through their livingroom. The level of contempt I feel for such politicians is truly boundless...
I wouldn't bet on that horse if all the other horses dropped dead at the starting gate.

There are so many things wrong with the claims in the video it would take me hours to debunk all of them.

Come on guys, a politician spouting science and medicine instead of the actual scientist? You know it's all ********.. You know he's just pandering to donors.

Here's the whole unedited video.

Here's Frank O Bastian's latest paper on the subject.
PS: "Dr. Bastian WILL win the Nobel prize." This spokesman is also a fortune teller. Pennsylvania is so lucky to have him on its payroll. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen such an irresponsible and unrealistic time-table ever. Especially, when there is a plan to treat human patients. If this is actually something real, I predict at least 10-15 years before we see any significant work in humans and another 10 years before it is in wide-spread use.

$300,000 ($100K/year) for funding a project of this proposed scope? That hardly covers lab consumables & supplies...
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This sounds promising, I hope it is for real. I couldn't isolate the video but can link the thread it is in from another site. I realize this is against the rules but this is important information.

So, I'm supposed to click on your link,, with no sound available on my devise, and "watch" something without any hint besides "a cure"(?)
I'm sorry, I live in Minn, CWD IS an issue that I/We sportsmen ARE aware of.
The current "cure" is decimation of the infected area to prevent the spread of the disease.
I have no idea what your link infers,(because I can't read/or hear it), if it was/is in any way valid,, I/We as participating sportsmen in infected areas would be informed by our local agency.
My PC with no speakers,, I don't care to "hook it up",, If folks got no words for a "forum" ? why share it?
Is it my fault people just click, scroll and copy/paste, instead of thinking with their own words?
If ya don't know,, then google an you-tube has the answer.(?)
What "soap" will be used for this one?
$300,000 ($100K/year) for funding a project of this proposed scope? That hardly covers lab consumables & supplies...

That made me laugh too.

Anybody ever figure out what it's going to cost to "vaccinate" millions of deer, who's going to pay for that?
We can't get people to vaccinate against the mumps or measles or polio, and we expect they're going to eat vaccinated deer and elk meat ?
Good luck!
CWD,, IS a big deal here in Minn with the recent failing of Wisconsin to contain it. It's not a random issue to be made light of,,
Legislation is moving in the state to finally regulate private herds and containment,, CWD is a chronic disease with-in social contact of the animals,,
The mode of transmission is not known. Social contact could just be a coincidence for all we know, but if it is part of the cause then herd elimination in winter when they are grouped up will help bring the spread under control. I suggest controlled poisoning, something quick to facilitate easy cleanup although carryover would help lower the coyote population too. A double whammy benefit.;)

Yes, that last part was a joke.
Wow Necchi, such venom directed at the rest of us who choose to utilize the incredible resources offered online while you stay in the dark by choice.

I suggest you hook up your speakers and watch Jim Kibler's instructional videos to see what you have been missing. A few days ago I learned from his videos how to use bone black to antique a rifle during the finishing process, yesterday I learned how to properly use tannic acid to enhance the curl during the staining process in conjunction with aquafortis. Earlier I learned the complete assembly instructions for his mountain and colonial rifle by watching several hours of videos of him assembling both step by step with the nuances of doing it correctly.

The CWD link I posted may indeed be garbage, at first glance it offered a ray of hope in a somewhat dismal situation and caught my attention.
The first excerpt referred to by Eric Krewson seemed to indicate that this was a press conference by the State of Pennsylvania. After watching the full conference, it is apparent that this is a glorified wish list put together by the Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania, a group of 4500 persons with little or no scientific knowledge. It is basically a pep rally.

Dr. Bastian's paper only has to do with the isolation of Spiroplasma. He makes no claims for a cure of CWD, Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease or any other disease. If he is aware of the above mentioned press conference and their claims, I'm sure he hiding in a closet hoping they will never mention his name again. He is a bonafide scientist not someone who becomes one over a few beers at the local Unified Sportsmen of Pa. meeting like the people in the video.
I haven't seen such an irresponsible and unrealistic time-table ever. Especially, when there is a plan to treat human patients. If this is actually something real, I predict at least 10-15 years before we see any significant work in humans and another 10 years before it is in wide-spread use

Very troubling is the information that other researchers have not been able to replicate Dr. Bastian's reported results.


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