. july 23 / 03:20am
that is currently true.. there were, however, different companies that requested customized versions for their outlet - navy arms, for example had their name stamped on the barrel.. many other companies had special editions made long ago for some commemorations and whatnot.
it looks like you've got to send it back.. the only other way out of this is to buy replacement parts on a trial and error basis... very expensive and time consuming.. it could be months before a part is delivered and then *that one* might not fit perfectly..
this isn't the first time a lemon has gotten through pietta's quality control.. i've heard of worse.
tough luck and you have my sympathies - but, the good news is that they are on sale for $699 now at cabela's.. if you buy directly from them, you can send it back just because you feel like it - seriously..
suggestion: keep this for spare parts, buy a brand new one for shooting, and you'll have a lifetime of use between the two.. grips can break ($195 per set), loading levers can bend ($68), replacement hammer ($175), etc..
are you stuck with it or can you send it back ?
ps. sorry this took so long but at least we prevailed.
pps. and thanks madcrate, i know you're booked to next year. i owe you yet another one.
ppps. now that i think of it, i'll offer $100 for it as is.