Unlined leather shooting bag, with a small interior pocket and an adjustable leather strap. Bag is 6 inches across the opening and 7 inches deep, with an approx 1-inch gusset. Bag is as-new.
The 1-inch wide strap has an attached sheath for a small patch knife and is set up at 40-inches length, but can be sized out an additional 12 inches. Brass button closure and a red heart in wool complement the front. Plain back.
Asking$60 $45 shipped to you in the USA. PayPal, check, MO, are all good. PM for details.
The 1-inch wide strap has an attached sheath for a small patch knife and is set up at 40-inches length, but can be sized out an additional 12 inches. Brass button closure and a red heart in wool complement the front. Plain back.
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