Destinations in Ontario or NorthEast States?

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The Baron

45 Cal.
May 10, 2004
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I'm having a very hard time finding any listings for rendezvous or traditional ML shows to attend. I'm in SE Ontario, very close to northern NY state and am willing to drive up to 6 or maybe 8 hours for an all weekend event (could reach PA, NY, MA, NH, VT and maybe even into OH, CT, MD, WV). I'd love to see a rendezvous with a good line up of trader tents as I've never had that opportunity. I'd like to buy some bits and pieces and am also still searching for my next smooth rifle/fowler.
Dixon's Muzzle Loaders Fair.

Last full weekend of July (July 29/30/31 this year).

It's in Kempton, PA, between Allentown and Harrisburg (closer to Allentown).

Great demonstrations, workshops, seminars, displays, sellers of everything black powder, some re-enactment stuff, anyone who makes muzzle loader parts for builders is there along with a number of top builders.

I live in the Kingston, Ontario area and including the boarder crossing wait time, I can be there in 6 hours.

I go down every couple of years, the wife tags along and spends the days at the pool at the hotel while I eat and breath black powder for a couple of days.

Admission is free but they charge a couple bucks for parking (and I do mean a couple, like under 5 bucks).

You can check it out, including the seminar schedule (those are free - just show up) here (Dixons 2016)

This is one of the "premier" muzzle loading events that is almost at the status of "you must make a pilgrimage once in your life" and it is relatively close to all points in Southern Ontario.
Thanks! That looks exactly like what I'm after!! Figures, I'm on my annual visit to see friends in Connecticut that weekend, from July 28th - Aug. 1st. Not sure of any of the guys there are really into flintlocks, but we're all gun lovers so I'm going to see if they want to load into my truck and go see the fair one day. Looks like 3.5 hours travel each way from my buddy's house - on the road at 6am, at the fair drooling on things from 10-3 and home by 7pm... just might work! :hmm:
If you can stand the 8 hour drive consider going to Friendship, IN, for the NMLRA Fall shoot. The Log Cabin Shop in Lodi, OH, a bit closer to you, has their Trade Fair in October each year. Both venues offer classes and seminars, check the respective web sites for specifics.
X2 on dixions. It's nice for me I'm only an hour away. But you will certainly not be disappointed. Probably not technically a rundevous but worth it none the less. I believe the only charge to go is 5 bucks (or less) for parking and you certainly get your monies worth. If your even thinking about making a gun, bag or horn make sure you go and sit in on the many free seminars.
The National Rendezvous and Living History foundation's North Eastern Rendezvous is in Orrington ,Me July 15-22. It will be a good rendezvous for traders. Kari is coming over from Finland and he usually brings a good selection of hawks and knives for his trade blanket. :idunno:
Contact person is Perley Urquhart Phone # 207 664 6031 or [email protected] . Or search the internet for NRLHF/National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association's Primitive Rendezvous.
I'm committed to visit good friends in CT July 28th - Aug. 1st which is an annual event I don't want to compromise. My friend/host spends his work life on the road for sales and sounds like the last thing he wants to do on his vacation is spend one day on the road to go to Dixon's fair. I really can't blame him, and I'm not sure I want to crunch my first visit there into 1/2 day.

So, I'm gonna miss it this year... :( ... but my plan is to save my money over the next year and be there for the entire weekend in 2017, smooth bore fund in hand!
www dot northeasternprimitiverendezvous dot com/ or ck itout on facebook 2016 northeastern primitive rendezvous