silent sniper:
Now, don't take offense here but as you will know a lot of that depends on you.
I've known people who couldn't hit the inside of a barn when standing inside it and I've known others who could shoot the eyes out of a rattlesnake at 30 yards without thinking about aiming. :grin:
After getting that out of the way, I didn't find that pistol (#RH0631)in the 2008 Dixie catalog but I did find it in their 2005 catalog.
At that time they listed it as a Navy Arms pistol (at $230) and referenced a similar model without the adjustable sights.
That pistol had a .440 diameter bore with 7 grooves at .450 diameter (button rifled with a 1:32 twist). They said that pistol had a chamber diameter of .447.
When you load the slightly oversize ball into the chamber, it will shear the ball down to chamber size.
While this gives a good grip on the loaded balls (which is important for several reasons) it can cause some problems.
I mention this because it is quite common for the Italian reproductions to have undersize chambers and this doesn't lead to the best accuracy in the world.
Noting that the chamber diameter is .003 smaller than the grooves of the gun, it may not give "target pistol" accuracy.
One solution to this is to have the chambers honed out slightly to a diameter of .450 X .30 depth (or slightly more). Then the chamber and the groove diameter of the barrel will be the same.
This is often done with competition cap and ball pistols although I caution people to remove as little material as is needed to obtain the barrel groove diameter. There is not a lot of material between the chambers or between the chambers and the outside of the cylinder and one should not remove any more than is absolutely necessary.
The trigger pull on all most all of the Italian reproductions is quite good with a crisp let-off.
The most important thing when it comes to accuracy is practice. Lots and lots of practice.
As for putting down a yote at 50 yards, that might be pushing it just a bit but a well placed shot with that .44 diameter ball certainly won't do him any good.