When I was in the military, the first ship I was assigned to was typical. I was sent to the Bosun's locker for relative bearing grease and 40 foot of shoreline. I thought it was funny then and I still think it's funny.
I get more enjoyment out of laughing at myself than laughing at other folks. When I look at some of the things I've done in retrospect, they seem down right ludicrous.
For instance: One summer day my wife was working in the upstairs room of our daughter. She came to me and said there was a Waxwing that appeared to be hanging upside down in the top of the Lilacs that grow right off the side of the house. These Lilacs are about 20 feet tall. OK, so I got a ladder and braced it up against the Lilacs and crawled up to set the bird free. He (or she) had been collecting strands from an old plastic blue tarp for it's nest. Reaching out I freed the bird, the ladder slipped and there I was swinging from the top of the Lilacs scared out of my wits. Well with the help of my wife, I finally got back to terra firma. Later, I wondered why I just didn't just use the hedge clippers to cut the strand. But no, having donned my cape, I just had to free it myself.
I use that story to shrink my swollen ego when it gets out of hand. As you can imagine, Animal Rescue is not beating down my door to give lectures to the troops!
We certainly did not mean to embarass Ted...but the situation was ripe for ribbing and I would like to think that I don't have to be so overly sensitive that I have to second guess who might be offended by any particular post. In 60 years no one has ever accused me of being malicious and I certainly have never tried to be. Ted, if you see this, I aplogize. If you like I will never use humor in replying to a post of yours again...but you will miss some fine commaraderie and insights. If you were not offended then you are like the rest of us and will take your opportunities for ribbing us in return.