Based on a previous discussion in which Doc Will asked me what I considered a dry lube, I did some 'sperimentin. I took strips of 0.021" thick cotton tic and soaked them well in my Moose Milk variation (see below). I then hung them on a clothes line and let it dry out. It does not rub off on my hands (or leave a visible sheen on leather), but it has a decidedly "treated" feel when handled. I did some shooting, and, in my .50 cal New Englander, which has never before shot well with round balls, I was gettin 2 and 3 inch three shot groups OFFHAND at 50 yards. I would use a saliva damp patch between rounds to wipe the bore. The best group (I'll scan it tomorrow) measures slightly under 1" c-t-c. That's with 84 gr FFg. By happy coincidence, I had a 3 x 5" Post-it behind the target center (I can't enter the contest - but I can play along at home). Granted, it was the best of five, but I haven't fired a sub 1" group EVER with a round ball in that rifle, and that is better than I usually do of crossed sticks with my set-trigger .54 Renegade (which DOES shoot round balls lubed with my wax-based Moose Snot very well).
I have been trying to eliminate between shot wiping, but with these pre-prepared patch strips, or pre-loaded in blocks, it is not too many extra steps to lay a patch on my tongue while flipping the rod out and run a quick wipe. I adopted an old trick of pre-cutting the patches (I'm using the same tic as the ball patch) and threading them on a string; so I can have them orderly in the bag, but can slide one off at a time to lay on my tongue following the shot. I screw the jag on through a hole in the patch so it can't pull off in the bore. The yarn holes in the corner mean I don't have to take the extra step to poke the hole.
Not having to carry ANY tins or bottles is worth the extra wiping (simplify, simplify). I will now carry a 1 oz bottle of Lehigh Lube instead of the moose milk. I swab with Lehigh before the first shot - and my first two shots today from a cold barrel were touching. When hunting, any system that gets the all-important first shot in the group is a good thing.
Two rifles figured out. New one on the horizon come January. Ain't this fun?
Stumpy's Moose Milk
A general purpose blackpowder solvent and liquid patch lube. Shake well before using
Castor Oil 3 oz.
Murphy's Oil Soap 1 oz.
Witch Hazel 4 oz.
Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) 8 oz.
Water (non-chlorinated) 16 oz.
Note that castor oil is not water soluable, but it is alcohol soluable, and this castor cocktail is in turn water soluable. The above makes a non-petroleum based water soluable "dry" lube when the soaked cotton strips are allowed to air-dry for a couple days.
I have been trying to eliminate between shot wiping, but with these pre-prepared patch strips, or pre-loaded in blocks, it is not too many extra steps to lay a patch on my tongue while flipping the rod out and run a quick wipe. I adopted an old trick of pre-cutting the patches (I'm using the same tic as the ball patch) and threading them on a string; so I can have them orderly in the bag, but can slide one off at a time to lay on my tongue following the shot. I screw the jag on through a hole in the patch so it can't pull off in the bore. The yarn holes in the corner mean I don't have to take the extra step to poke the hole.
Not having to carry ANY tins or bottles is worth the extra wiping (simplify, simplify). I will now carry a 1 oz bottle of Lehigh Lube instead of the moose milk. I swab with Lehigh before the first shot - and my first two shots today from a cold barrel were touching. When hunting, any system that gets the all-important first shot in the group is a good thing.
Two rifles figured out. New one on the horizon come January. Ain't this fun?
Stumpy's Moose Milk
A general purpose blackpowder solvent and liquid patch lube. Shake well before using
Castor Oil 3 oz.
Murphy's Oil Soap 1 oz.
Witch Hazel 4 oz.
Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) 8 oz.
Water (non-chlorinated) 16 oz.
Note that castor oil is not water soluable, but it is alcohol soluable, and this castor cocktail is in turn water soluable. The above makes a non-petroleum based water soluable "dry" lube when the soaked cotton strips are allowed to air-dry for a couple days.