You are right, it is very confusing. How did you decide they were German rifles? If they were German, why didn't they call them that? Why couldn't they have been some of those rifles you say were made in Holland? They certainly knew of German rifles: "WAS LOST, on the 8th or 9th of May last, on the great Road betwixt Harris’ Ferry and Shippensburgh, a German rifle Gun, about two Feet in the Barrel, large Bore, carved Stock, a white Metal Lion upon the Barrel, near the Lock, with a Scepter in his Paw, double Tricker, double Sight, the under Brass or Copper, and the upper Iron."Stophel said:And yes, I have no doubt that the imported "Dutch rifles" were German (though rifles were certainly made in Holland as well).
Mike Brines said:Didn't the barrels lengthen and bores get smaller to facilitate better burning of the powder? Lead and powder were expensive.
Spence10 said:You are right, it is very confusing. How did you decide they were German rifles? If they were German, why didn't they call them that? Why couldn't they have been some of those rifles you say were made in Holland? They certainly knew of German rifles: "WAS LOST, on the 8th or 9th of May last, on the great Road betwixt Harris’ Ferry and Shippensburgh, a German rifle Gun, about two Feet in the Barrel, large Bore, carved Stock, a white Metal Lion upon the Barrel, near the Lock, with a Scepter in his Paw, double Tricker, double Sight, the under Brass or Copper, and the upper Iron."Stophel said:And yes, I have no doubt that the imported "Dutch rifles" were German (though rifles were certainly made in Holland as well).
I have a Dutch hunting gun and am aware of at least 1/2dozen others. They were commonly traded along the north eastern sea ports. THey were mad in the big gun building centers of Maastict and Uetrcht..(sp?)Spence10 said:What about Dutch fowlers? Are they German, too? And Dutch gun flints? And this lost fowling piece, described as "Fowling Piece, mounted with Brass, Dutch Make, a black Barrel, with a pretty wide Bore. "?
Rich Pierce said:There is a documented short barreled "jaeger" rifle belonging to a Revolutionary War soldier in the Mohawk Valley of NY state. It is not known whether the owner (Col. Vrooman IIRC) owned it before the War or picked it up at Saratoga.
Kinda makes you want one just like it, doesn't it?
Do you mean that these are rifles?Mike Brooks said:I have a Dutch hunting gun and am aware of at least 1/2dozen others.