If any of you builders happen to have a couple of the early style TC Hawken brass trigger guards laying around, I'm looking for a couple.
The old and new styles looks the same in general, but the rear flat brass foot or pad that the mounting screw goes through is smaller on the new style guards.
This rear foot fits into a corresponding sized mortise and the new style with it's smaller rear foot, leaves a lot of exposed wood showing all around it if you try to mount it on an old style stock.
I need a couple of the old style guards to fit properly on some old style stocks...please PM me if you have any, know somebody that does, etc.
The old and new styles looks the same in general, but the rear flat brass foot or pad that the mounting screw goes through is smaller on the new style guards.
This rear foot fits into a corresponding sized mortise and the new style with it's smaller rear foot, leaves a lot of exposed wood showing all around it if you try to mount it on an old style stock.
I need a couple of the old style guards to fit properly on some old style stocks...please PM me if you have any, know somebody that does, etc.