Economy and events

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54 Cal.
Dec 27, 2008
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How many of you are seeing events canceled because of the economy? I heard Fort De Charte in Illinois was canceled of state funds. Probably old news here.
I haven't heard of any events being canceled locally but after the decline in attendance at events last year it will be no surprise if there are some canceled. It is a simple fact that our events are not a neccesity and more and more people are cutting out nonessential items.Last year was the first year in twenty I spent more money than I made off of my trade blanket and that was before the Eastern, where I donated every thing from the trade blanket to the benefit for Whitetail's grandaughter.
The simple fact is things are getting tight and less and less people have extra money. I hope to make all of the events this year that I did last year and maybe even add the Midwest but I realize a lot of people won't be able to.
I decided the economy can ...well nevermind. I'm goin' to as many shoots as I can, even looking at one in Mizzoura! I sat around last year cuz of $4 gas and I'm not doing it this year! Help out the economy...Go Rendezvousing! :thumbsup:
The next couple of weeks will tell for us civil war reenactors. The Michigan Roundtable will meet and everyone who sponsors an event will show up to push thier event. There is already rumors of a few going by the way side. I will try to make at least one a month thru the seaon.
Events where the site is dependent on public financing may be affected by cutbacks. On a personal level, you have to eat whether at home or in camp, I don't have to have any new gear (but don't let Mrs Coot hear that :wink: ) & gas (at least for now) is a lot cheaper than last year. I am planning a full schedule & have already heard from several events re signing up. Give the event organizers a break - sign up as early as you can & volunteer to help out when you are there.
I am planning on making more local events this year. Attending an event is still the cheapest way to take a week long vacation that I know. However driving 12 to 20 hours one way and spending $400 in gas makes trips to the East Coast a lot less desirable for me.

This will be a good year to volunteer at local museums and events, they will all be hurting for money and if we don't help, they may have to close their doors.

Many Klatch