Chief, Moscow Hide & Furs sell 1st, 2nd, and 3rd "quality" antler. I usually buy 2nd and 3rd. This one had been outside for a year or two and was covered in a solid white crust. I cut the length I wanted and buffed the daylight out of it with steel wool. I put on a couple coats of Birchwood Casey walnut wood stain, and took 400 grit to knock down the high spots. Once that was done I went over all of it with Tandy Leather "Bucksin" color leather dye. Gives it that yellow "age". I held it over a stove burner for a few seconds here and there, that settled the dye's hash, it's in that elk for eternity. I buffed it lightly with 0000 steel wool, I hit it with a little bear grease once and a while. One thing didn't show in the photo is the small cap on the butt that's black buffalo horn, there are 4 brass nails set into the end. I got antler and bones "aging" down to a science, like I told Chance, this is my heroin.