faux finish

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54 Cal.
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Can any one tell me if it is possible to faux finish the damasscus look on a barrel??
If so how??
I think they etch it in. Wax the barrel, scratch it off in the pattern you want, put acid on it...

I've never done it, but I'll bet someone here has.
i have done it with cold blue by taking a toothpick dip it in the blue solution and whip it across the bbl with a side to side movement ,do the full length and let it set over-night next day with 000 steel wool and wax rub it down ,but not so hard as to remove the blue wipe off wax with soft cotton cloth and apply another coat of wax the result is very much like damacus and will last a long time. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: i used birchwood-casey super blue, when you apply do not let the blue run down the length of the bbl ,by the way dutchman-cool hat :v

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