Fiber Optic Sight Question

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32 Cal.
Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
I just received my Green Mountain barrel and would like to put some fiber optic sights on it. I tried some recently purchased T/C FO sights but the front one didn't fit (didn't try the rear). Is there another brand that will fit.

I didn't know they would. When I called them Tuesday about what sights would fit the person that I spoke to didn't know.

Call and talk to Rick Sanborn at Green Mountain Barrel Company. I am sure he knows who makes one that would fit. As the other poster said, I think they also have them there. Seeing that they are technically the same people that make Knight Barrels, I would think the same sights that Knight uses would have one that would fit. Knight used to use Tru Glow. I am not sure what they use now.

Look at Tru Glow Fiber Optics. They are a great fiber optic. If you e-mail them with the barrel information in question, they will tell you which one of their sights fit. I am still using the sights that came with my barrel.

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