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40 Cal.
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Have read a few times in the forum to fill gapes you mixed white glue and flat black laquer qnd put it in the place your needing repair. Started thinking about this, because I have a gape to fill and was wondering if you mixed the stain your going to use with white glue wouldn't that be better? Thanks.
I've used black acrylic craft paint mixed with white glue. Both are water based so they will mix. If your stain is alcohol or water based it will mix with the white glue. This is only for small inletting gaps.
You can also add some sawdust from the work to Elmers glue and then color with the stain that you used on the gun. I have used wood glue, carpenters glue or white glue. Do you find that it made a big difference?

Also, you can use darkened beeswax to fill small gaps.

I like useing a small piece of wood extracted from the patchbox area. Glue it in and wallaaa. It can be sanded and it stains just like the stock.
I worked out a technique that is great for filling small gaps.

Take a piece of wood from the same side of the stock, same orientation, and cut it into a strip 1/2" wide.
Clamp in vise.
Plane shavings off at different settings on the very sharp plane. Get long smooth curls of wood coming off.
Iron them flat with the clothes iron, first on one side, then the other. Cut to shape with scissors. It really works.
Glue them in, clamping overnight with Elmer's stainable glue.
Scrape, rasp, or re-inlet as needed.

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