Finally, card weaveing success... sorta

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Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks to Brett Sr for the links and tips! :thumbsup: The C-clamps really help.

After a couple of bad starts, I was finally able to make a card woven horn strap. It was supposed to be a bag strap, but ended up only being 5/8" wide and around 5 feet long. So I'm callin' it a horn strap. Now all I need is a horn... :haha:

The pattern didn't turn out how it was supposed to either, but it is pretty cool so I kept going. I think I musta started out with the cards clocked wrong??? :hmm:

Now for some questions for you more experienced guys...
I used a 12 card pattern that was supposed to end up being 1" to 1.25" wide. Did I use too thin of yarn or what? I really wanted to end up with a strap that would work on a shooting bag I recently made. Should I try thicker yarn or more cards next time?

What do ya think?
:hatsoff: You're a better man than me Jethro224; I didn't get near that far before I had it so screwed up that I threw it in the stove.
Looks good :thumbsup:
Nice jethro227,

For most of my straps I use 14 cards with lion wool from wallmart. They end up abought 1 inch wide or so. I tried 20 cards one time with this wool, it worked but it was hard to turn the cards all together, (1 1/2" wide). Wool also ends up a foot or two shorter than the lenth you started with. A friend of mine uses polyester yarn, it gets a foot or two longer when completed. Hope this helped.
Remember, 1,2,3,4, 4,3,2,1, or was I on 3... no.. 2..ahh..

Post the pattern if you don't mind sharing it,I like it :thumbsup:
with cotton, I go with 14 cards and get straps that are usually 1 1/8-1 1/4, acrylic ends up longer and thinner, wool is shorter and wider!
I allow 1.4 times my desired length formy string cut and I also will start my cards at each side, to see what the results will be. I find that the pattern making program I shared with you guys works best for me with starting with "A" to the rear instead of on top. I think on the site with the link they make reference to that!
Wool yarns... the are a B*%$ch! I like cotton, minimal stretch, easy turns!
And you have to be religious about ALWAYS starting and stopping in the same location, ALWAYS!
jethro224 said:
Thanks to Brett Sr for the links and tips! :thumbsup: The C-clamps really help.

After a couple of bad starts, I was finally able to make a card woven horn strap. It was supposed to be a bag strap, but ended up only being 5/8" wide and around 5 feet long. So I'm callin' it a horn strap. Now all I need is a horn... :haha:

The pattern didn't turn out how it was supposed to either, but it is pretty cool so I kept going. I think I musta started out with the cards clocked wrong??? :hmm:

Now for some questions for you more experienced guys...
I used a 12 card pattern that was supposed to end up being 1" to 1.25" wide. Did I use too thin of yarn or what? I really wanted to end up with a strap that would work on a shooting bag I recently made. Should I try thicker yarn or more cards next time?

What do ya think?

you are always going to find flaws and gain the experience to improve,
But Know what?.... YOU GOT IT! good job!
jethro, ya done good! if'n i tried it'd look like a lynchin! :redface: like the pattern! :thumbsup:

It looks good. I typically use worsted wool and between 12 and 18 cards, which give me straps between 1" and 1 1/2" wide. A little less tension might also give you a wider strap.

When my patterns don't turn out as expected, it's usually because I started the cards in the wrong position.
Congrats. Looks great. Sharpe colors, nice pattern. How that's done is over my head for sure. :surrender:
Thanks for the comments and tips fellers!
I'm going to try more cards next time and see if I can't get this thing wider, and longer too.

skunkskinner, and anybody else who cares, here's the pattern I laced the cards for. I think I musta had 'em clocked wrong tho.

-- A B

WTG! The pattern doesn't look like a mistake. Looks fine. :thumbsup:

All those letters and numbers though look like some kinda code. "be sure to drink your ovaltine" :wink: GW
The book "Card Weaving by Candace Crockett" is a good book for learning this craft.

Thanks for the pattern, now I understand why it looks like that, 8 turns, cool!
Kuhndog said:
This is new to me. Where can I find information on "card" weaving?

So. IN. Kuhndog
[email protected]

I will email you some material I have, couple of megs worth.
several here have asked for it and you are now seeing the results!

I will email you some material I have, couple of megs worth.
several here have asked for it and you are now seeing the results!

If possible,
Can you please send some information on card weaving..

I would like to try it..

jethro224 said:
Thanks for the comments and tips fellers!
I'm going to try more cards next time and see if I can't get this thing wider, and longer too.

skunkskinner, and anybody else who cares, here's the pattern I laced the cards for. I think I musta had 'em clocked wrong tho.

-- A B
That's what I thought I did wrong wirehairman. Thanks for confirming my guess. It'll be nice knowing what to expect next time.:hatsoff:
I do like the pattern I ended up with better even tho it was an acident. :)