finished my horn

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tom hargrove

45 Cal.
Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score
just finished my horn ,man it takes a long time to make one of these ,you fellows that do this professionaly have my utmost respect it was a fun project but dont think i want to do very many i would like to have somw scrim on this but i dont know who to get to do it any suggestions ,would be helpful :winking:
Nice horn two-bellys! I'm working on a horn, a kit purchased from Dixie. Like many others your find here I plan to do my own scrimshaw. Work up a design, practice, and more practice, then do it.
Two-bellys.... :thumbsup: real nice! That leaves quite a blackboard for scrim work.
Regardless of the time put into it and the appearance of the final product, you will have an article that no dollar will be able to afford and the amount of personal pride and satisfaction will be unsurmountable!

You have dona an outstanding job thusfar!

Very, Very nice! :bow: Good luck with the scrimshaw, that is pretty fun to do.

How long is that horn? You did a good job on it.
Tom, great lookn horn, keep up the good work! startimg on a flat horn pretty soon, hope it turns out as well as this one, Beav
Two bellys, that's a beauty! Colors are great and I especially like the fluted butt. I can't wait to see the scrim when you're done.
Beautiful horn two-bellys!!
I'd for sure put the standard name and "his horn" on it if it was mine. :thumbsup:

Nice looking horn! And ditto to what Brett Sr said. An article you make is worth so much more than one you only buy. :thumbsup: GW