finishing up

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40 Cal.
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
finally got my york rifle built now its time to take it apart and start finishing it out.its forcast to be wet this weekend,i hope i can get my barrell ready to brown in time.
it has a swamped .50 cal barrell from rice barrells and i hope it shoots better than my lancaster :) :) :thumbsup:
i stained the stock yesterday and while buffing off the excess i didnt see much stripe(burell?),how ever it showed very unusual patterns from the butt to the nose and also showed some light and dark spots along the left forearm i spent about three hours with 0000 steel wool and a lint free cloth trying to get to blend better ,but the mroe i looked at it the more i liked it. :shocking:this stock has more characters than the cast of the show cats and should make a very eye catching stock :: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: