Shooting my .45 better every time
Had my first ever flintlock hunt this morning. Light drizzle when I got to my hunting spot then slowly rained harder and harder. Had a doe step out of the fog 30 yards away just at legal shooting time. Due to the early hour, rain, fog and cloud cover I could not see the front sight. I screwed around for a few seconds trying to get the sights lined up and just a split second before the rifle went off, which was good since it was raining so hard, she whirled to run and I shot right in front of her brisket. A few more hours to get myself good and soaked and I called it a day. By the time I got home and got to cleaning there was already rust on my rifle. I cleaned, polished and oiled as well as I could and I will not be going out in heavy rain again. I have until next Saturday so hopefully I’ll get another chance. Sure is different shooting in the dark woods versus s sunny range.