first real rendezvous

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36 Cal.
Jan 29, 2014
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So made it to my first spend the weekend rendezvous. It was an open one so didnt have to get totally decked out. So borrowed some stuff from the store and except for shoes I was good to go. Will have to work on some moccasins for the next one since it will be all primitive. Now I still need to get a tomahawk from somewhere and a good throwing knife. My daughter wants a bow and arrow and a knife and I'll made a knife up for her soon. It all costs a lot so working my way to having it all for the fall. Won't have it all for the PPR that is being held at our camp in June. Would like to go but just not in the budget. Here's a link to one of the rounds of the cannon shoot.
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Neat video but, it must have been even neater just being there! :thumbsup: