Flash Guard Install

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32 Cal.
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Dumb question of the day. When installing a flash guard (Charleville and a Bess), is there anything you have to do except remove the Frizzen screw, attach the guard, and replace the screw? No clamping the mainspring, nothing to fall apart? No removing the lock? :bow: I beg your indulgences gents.

I would position the frizzen to get the least amount of spring pressure against the pivot is I was not able to compress the spring...

You could compress the frizzen spring to release the pressure, that is always a good idea...

Also, watch the threads on the frizzen screw to make sure it's long enough with the extra width of the flash guard, if not, you may need a longer screw...
Just a note if you are in a unit that is a member of the Brigade of the American Revolution make sure you have a BAR approved flashguard. Because they are tightening up on some rules at events.If you have any question reguarding this contact me off list.
Alan Ashworth
I hate the blessed thimgs and especially those inverted tipis that the vendors sell,so I make my own out of a rectangular piece of copper or pewter.I round the corners and punch a hole where needed. You really need a spring vise.I think R E Davis has one for frizzen springs otherwise use a nainspring vise. Compress the frizzen spring and remove the frizzen and frizzen spring leaving the vise on the frizzen spring and check to make sure the frizzen screw is long enough. Set the frizzen back on and run the screw through the shield and frizzen into the hole after squirting a little oil in the hole.Run the frizzen spring screw through the finial into the plate after a little oil is applied. Tighten both screws and remove the vise.check to make sure the frizzen flips easily back and forth.If not you will probably have to loosen the frizzen screw a little.You didn't ask but I make my own frizzen stalls out of scrap buckskin. Take a piece about the length and width of the frizzen,fold it in two long ways and sew up each side with a whip stitch.Punch a hole in one corner of the open end,run a thong through itself and the stall long enough to reach the guard bow but not too loose. Tie the end to the bow and you have a frizzen stall. I usually keep about a half dozen around for spares or in case somebody needs one.
Tom Patton

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