I was able to improve my pistol shooting significantly with help from here and a lot of reading. As far as I am concerned there are 3 functions to decent pistol shooting; reading, shooting and mental.
First read everything you can get on pistol shooting. (Note: ca not com)
Check sections Document Library and Training & Shooting.
Make your self several practice flints from wood and dry fire a lot. You can make them on a band saw. You can dry fire inside the house, I dry fire every morning for 10 minutes. Handle the pistol as much as you can so you are familiar with it.
If you have not done so, find a competent gunsmith and get a trigger job done on the pistol. A properly tuned trigger will do wonders with your scores, especially at 50 yards.
Keep detailed records of your practice scores and loads. I have learned that with pistols, I shoot better scores with a 6 o'clock than a dead on hold. Concentrate on the front sight only, the rear will do what it needs to do to get things right.
If you don't have an adjustable pistol powder measure get one. A couple of grains change can make a difference.
Start at 25 yards and move back in 5 yard increments until 50 yards.
Matches are won at 50 yards, not 25.
Lastly, practice, practice, practice. When you practice, shoot ten (10) shot targets, a 10 shot group will tell you more than a 5 shot group.
The mental is a large part of the game. Concentrate on what you are doing and remember what you have learned by reading and practice the reading.