Fouling Scraper

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put it on the end of your range rod( you do have one?) and run it carefully down the barrel to the breechplug face. Turn the scraper so that you are tightening the scraper on the rod( usually clockwise) to remove the crud that gathers on the face of the plug. Pull the rod and scraper out, flush the barrel with water and soap, dry, and put a light down the barrel to check to see that the breech face is clean. Usually you will see crud on the face of the cleaning jag with a cleaning patch on it if there is some crud, still.
Okay, That's how I was using it, just wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly.
Headhunter said:
I have never had much luck getting anything out when I use it. I guess it stays clean down there.


Same here.
It is not very helpful on a patent or Nock breach gun since it stops at the front of the powder chamber. Some might be shaped to fit inside such a breah, but I have not seen them work.

It is best for a smoothbore as no rifling stops its function and the breach face is generally flat, although a protruding vent liner or drum will mess that up.

It is only slightly helpful on the breachface of a rifle as the rifling has grooves at the breachface, so there is an area there which the scraper cannot reach.

There are brushes which can do a better job in my opinion.


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