free lead

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I have found a new source of free pure lead! I already know about the usual suspects, cable sheathing, old water pipes, roof flashing and now stained glass caming! Stop off at any stained glass shop and they have boxes of bits and pieces too small to use. Usualy its free and has historical precident, The American army smashed the leaded glass windows of farm houses during the battle of Saratoga to make more bullets.
I drive a cement mixer and I am at a lot of construction sited. I allways find the roofers and ask for thier snipped ends. They allways have 3 feet or so left on a roll, and its thin enough to just cut a piece fold it and cook it.
You're right about the stained glass caming. I have 50 lbs of it in my garage in a bucket. Nice and soft, should make great RB.
my off days from work are during the week so off to the range I go not only to shoot but lead recovery on and near the back stop I have to 5 gallon buckets full , I look for .45 cal jacketed rounds toss them in your pot and all that good soft lead comes right out, and any hard cast I find I grab too melt them down and recast them for my modern stuff rarely do I buy any jacketed stuff any more I use all lead for everything. bb75
my off days from work are during the week so off to the range I go not only to shoot but lead recovery
Yep...A lot of times when I get out to shoot, I am alone at the club. So I'll wander out to the backstop hill and gather lead. There is a clump of large trees on the hill, spent balls and minnies just sort of hit these and drop to the ground. Go out there after a good rain and the ground is littered with lead ripe for the picking. Since this is a muzzle loaders only club, most of this is soft lead.
i use a sifter i got at the hardware store,has 1/4 inch holes,works good at sifting bullits at the backstop :master: :master: :master:

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