French Tulle - What is correct?

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40 Cal.
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hi All,

I just ordered an in the white French Tulle from Tip Curtis. What was correct for the lock and barrel? Should they be browned or left bright white steel?


Which tulle did you order, the one with the radically shaped butt or the one with a straight comb{sometimes called a Type C or D}?
Tom Patton
I have seen nothing to indicate that French fusils were ever
browned, in general browning is a post 1780 or thereabouts thing.
I personally would leave the metal parts aone and let them age naturally but most people brown their metal and I agree with TG here. My problem is with the lock, your builder selects.I don't like the R E Davis Jaeger lock that track sells for that[url] gun.In[/url] fact the lock I like best is the R E Davis Tulle Arsenal lock. It needs a lot of cosmetic reworking but I really think that Jaeger lock is incorrect.I have a nice old Fusil fin which needs a lot of restoration and a lock. You can tell,however,that the lock is not a Germanic lock like that jaeger lock. Actually there is no correct lock sold commercially for either the Types C and D{Fusil fin de chasse} or the pied de vache{cows foot}popularly known as the fusil de chasse.
As an afterthought, after seeing the R E Davis fusil fin kit{the so called Type C and D}and comparing it to an original Fusil fin Ca. 1715-20, I think that without question the Davis kit is the best kit available today.I still think,however,that the lock{Tulle Arsenal}offered by them is a tad small and does need a lot of cosmetic work as TG found out.
Tom Patton :m2c:
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