Friendship IN.

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40 Cal.
Jan 15, 2005
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I'm going to Friendship this friday. Never been there before. What exactly is the "Spring Shoot"? I guess I'm asking "whats to see and do".
Hi Jim,
Unlike earlier years at Friendship IN. tere may not be a lot to see this Friday.
Most vendors pack up on Tuesday.
But yo can be sure their still shooting all week long. The Spring Nationals are the "opening bell" to the shooting season. There is somthing for everyone at the range.Benchrest,offhand,rifle,pistol,smoothbore,clays,woods walks,primitive rifle matches etc.
In order to shoot on the primitive side of the property, one must dress in period (pre 1840)attire, load from pouch and horn etc.

Hope you have a good time. Come on back next fall on the first weekend.It's crowded but a lot to see and buy.
I was there this past weekend twice, saw some nice stuff. Got some great deals in the primitive camping area, blanket trading and such. Too much to see in one day. It is free to NMLRA members or just $4. I know that you'll have a great time.
JimG said:
I'm going to Friendship this friday. Never been there before. What exactly is the "Spring Shoot"? I guess I'm asking "whats to see and do".

Jim, I was there yesterday and there was a pretty good crowd. Don't know what'll be left on Friday.
Lots of vendors and shooting going on. I wish I had been there Thursday when it got started.
It's a fun time for sure! :thumbsup:
(In order to shoot on the primitive side of the property, one must dress in period (pre 1840)attire, load from pouch and horn etc.)

This is true for some of the matches, but there are lots available where period dress is not required. What is required, however, is open fixed sights on most matches, no extra optics and a few other regulations. There are benches to load from for the non-period matches.

A lot of the venders do pack up after the first week end and leave. The second week end is pretty sparce.

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