The best advice I can give you it to keep in mind that everything you bed with it must be V shaped, or at least keep that thought in mind. File off every lil eough spot, have no ledges, etc. If it is V shaped it will come out..
When bedding a barrel, I prefer to bed the barrel first before I do Anything to the barrel other than have it inlet to the stock. Make sure you fill all recesses with modeling clay or paste wax especially at the breechplug where it threads in, as it will lock in there also. Get it inletted fully & know you have it right, bed the barrel, then the next morning I put mine in the deep freezer for about 45 min, then take it out & start tapping it with a rubber mallet. When it comes loose, I barely relief scrape or sand all the bedding as I want to seal it with True-Oil and make sure it is all sealed up inside. Then I install the dovetails for the underlugs & etc. & inlet them into the bedded stock.
If it is a light caliber swamped barrel it is important that you don't clamp it too tight as you could bow the barrel. In that situation I bed 4 places about 1" wide each on the barrel channel (breech & 3 more places spaced evenly down the barrel channel) as it will easily bed there with not much pressure, then release it & then bed the rest of it & have your clamps at the dried bedded places. This way you know you have the barrel pulled where it needs to be & not overstressed or bowed.
I have used Accruglas & Micro-Bed, and prefer the Micro-Bed as the color is already what I want usually.