Glo in the Dark front Globe Sight

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50 Cal.
MLF Supporter
Jan 27, 2004
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Another one of my creations, it uses a Tritium sight pin for bow sights. It glows in the dark for ten years or more, no batteries, just some radioactive stuff! You can see it just below the top of the pin. This one uses the round threaded pin that screws in form the bottom and is locked in by two set screws. I also have another model that uses a T shaped tritium pin. Looks about the same.


my updated web page
Brighter, because fiberoptic only glows if there is light, this glows all the time! Just as light starts to dissapear is when the deer always come out. Fiberoptis are srarting to fade and this little dot of Tritium has ist's little glow still going. Other than you need to aim just a little low!

my web page
Interesting though I have found that it does not take much light to make a fiber optic glow. By the legal shooting hours are over where I hunt the fiber optic still are glowing. Your concept is good though as you can use a globe setup which would not work with fiber optics. I bet trying to find these glow in the dark pins these days may be difficult now that fiber optics have taken over the market. jim
By the legal shooting hours are over.....where I hunt.....the fiber optic still are glowing.

Actualy, in deep heavy woods cover with a lot of foliage still on the trees, I've had it get too dark for fiberoptics, but out in open areas, fields, or anyplace that lets in a lot of skylight reflection, fiberoptics would still be visible.

When I bowhunted a lot, I switched from fiberoptics to the triton glow sights when they became available and it made all the difference in the world.

I've had thoughts of clipping off the active tip of a spare triton glow sight and epoxying it on a front ML sight, but then thought it kind of gets away from the notion of using a flintlock in the first place so I haven't done it...if my eyes keep getting more tired than they already are, I might have to rethink it some day...

Brownells use to sell the Tritium inserts, all you had to do is drill your front bead or blade.

The sight pins that I used are older model Meprolight pins, that can still be found. [I hope, cause I need a couple more]

Brownells use to sell the Tritium inserts, all you had to do is drill your front bead or blade.

The sight pins that I used are older model Meprolight pins, that can still be found. [I hope, cause I need a couple more]

Actually that's what I meant to say...Meprolite...not triton
Ah wood be plum skeered o that stuf!! :shocking:
At nite Ah wood see it a glarin at me in tha dark an thin that some wildcat or somthin war thar a stockin me!! :shocking: :shocking: It mite evan bee tha work of ole Lussiffer himself!
Ain't nothin suppos ta glo in tha dark without heat ceptin em litell litening bugs!

At stuf looks kinder lik tha Kriptonite at a feller put on his barrll fer a site once. He ask'd me iffen Ah wood lik ta shoot it, an Ah says "Sure".
Wal, whan ma lef arm got up cloose ta that site, it started loosin all o it's power.
That hand what Ah kood use ta crush rocks jus by sqeezen um kudn't even hold up tha end o that gun it got so week.
Ah knu ah had ta get awway frum that thin afore it started messin wit ma othar hand!
Havin too hands what's too week ta opin up a Loan Star Long nick wood be ah terribil thin, Ah says!
Kum ta thin about it, havin too hands what can open up a Loan Star Long nick are a terribil thin two!!!
Ma unkle Clark toll me 'bout that stuf but Ah wooden lissen to him afore that weekening o ma arm!! :shocking:
Now Ah lissens ta unkle Kent whanever he's a talkin!! ::

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