When I first started doing my version of reenacting I was very surprised and pleased to find the clothes I made did a much better job than I expected. They were comfortable, warm and easy to use. Except for the hands. Finding HC gloves that kept my hands warm was a problem which was tough to solve. I finally did it by getting my goodwife to teach me knitting, and made my own. I had seen ads such as this, and decided that might be a good combination.
The South-Carolina Gazette
November 26, 1750
Just imported in the Charming Nancy , Capt. White from London”¦. worsted and mill'd caps, mens mittens and muffatees, worsted knit breeches, womens evetlasting and leather shoes,
Diary of Ezra Tilden, 1779-81, Continental soldier:
"..... a pr of Leather Breeches, a pr of mittens, a pr of muffittees, 2 pr of Stockings, a pr of shoes & taps..."
I knew what mittens were, but not muffatees. Turns out they are fingerless tube gloves, commonly worn when fingers are needed for work in cold weather. I knitted these:
If I don't need fingers and it's moderately cold, it's mittens only:
When I need fingers, it's muffatees only:
If it's wicked cold, both, and the outer mitten can be slipped off in a second when the buck shows up:
It's a very effective way to keep my hands warm in any temperature I'm likely to be out in, and an easy to use, comfortable system. Those old boys knew stuff.
The South-Carolina Gazette
November 26, 1750
Just imported in the Charming Nancy , Capt. White from London”¦. worsted and mill'd caps, mens mittens and muffatees, worsted knit breeches, womens evetlasting and leather shoes,
Diary of Ezra Tilden, 1779-81, Continental soldier:
"..... a pr of Leather Breeches, a pr of mittens, a pr of muffittees, 2 pr of Stockings, a pr of shoes & taps..."
I knew what mittens were, but not muffatees. Turns out they are fingerless tube gloves, commonly worn when fingers are needed for work in cold weather. I knitted these:
If I don't need fingers and it's moderately cold, it's mittens only:
When I need fingers, it's muffatees only:
If it's wicked cold, both, and the outer mitten can be slipped off in a second when the buck shows up:
It's a very effective way to keep my hands warm in any temperature I'm likely to be out in, and an easy to use, comfortable system. Those old boys knew stuff.